Operation of the English-Environmental School

As part of raising awareness about the need to protect not only slow lorises but also other endangered species of animals and nature as a whole, we built and equipped an English-environmental school for children called “Kukang School” at the “Kukang Centre” in the village of Bandar Baru. Several dozen local children come to school three times a week in the afternoon, i.e. after their compulsory schooling, and learn English and environmental education here. Classes are free, but children must attend regularly, complete assignments, and demonstrate their motivation. “Kukang School” also provides regular environmental education for preschool children in a playful way as part of the international “Education4Conservation” program. In addition, the school is equipped with a library with picture books about nature, animals, and environmental protection written in Indonesian and English (donated by Green-books, Prague British School, Ostrava Zoo, and private donors). Through the school, we are building a new generation of nature lovers and protectors, while at the same time supporting the local community and the future employment of children in the labour market. As a result, local people are positively inclined towards our program and its activities and visions. The operation of the school is financed to a significant extent by our partner Zoo Liberec.


1) At the end of the lesson, the children evaluate their environmental work
2) English lesson
3) Lesson of environmental education
4) Closing the semester in the English-Environmental School