Elimination of poaching

Elimination of poaching

We employ former poachers, from whom we have built a team of conservationists. Thanks to this, we have eliminated the hunting of endangered species in one of the regional buffer zones in the southeast of the Leuser National Park.

„Kukang Coffee“ Project

"Kukang Coffee" Project

We have created a community of "Kukang Coffee" farmers who respect the ban on hunting protected species of animals, and in return, we buy coffee from them at a price that is profitable for them.

Monitoring of nocturnal wild animals

Monitoring of nocturnal wildlife

Thanks to the long-term recording of animals observed on the routes delineated according to a given methodology, we estimate the size of the slow loris populations in the defined area.
Installing camera traps

Installation of camera traps

Monitoring of wild animals is used to estimate their abundance. Camera traps are an additional monitoring method we use.

Operation of the English-Environmental School

“Kukang School” Running

We teach English and environmental education - usually neglected but much needed in Indonesia - to the children of the Bandar Baru community for free in our English-Environmental School called “Kukang School”.

Construction and equipment of a school called "School at the End of the World"

Construction of a school called “School at the End of the World”

We heard the plea of the community of Basukum village and helped them build their own English-environmental school for children, which we also help to run.

Educating students and farming communities in Sumatra

Educating students and farming communities in Sumatra

We spread awareness about endangered species and nature in primary and secondary schools as well as in public through lectures and outreach to farmers in several locations in northern Sumatra.

Boj proti pašerákům divokých zvířat

Fighting wildlife traffickers

With the help of illegal wildlife trade investigators, we fight against wildlife traffickers.

The establishment of the “Kukang Centre” for slow lorises in Sumatra

The establishment of the “Kukang Centre” for slow lorises in Sumatra

Our base is the “Kukang Centre”, where the “Kukang School”, our office as well as a specialized centre for the rehabilitation of confiscated slow lorises to return them to the wild are located (rehabilitation of slow lorises is currently not in operation).

Building a Czech-Indonesian team

Building an Indonesian team of wildlife conservationists

We strive to show the Indonesian people how they can professionally protect slow lorises, other wild animals, and nature as such in Indonesia themselves.

Building a so-called Slow Loris Noah‘s Ark

Creation of the so-called Slow Loris Arks

Using cooperation to create breeding centres for pygmy slow lorises within modern zoos, we are trying to support the stabilization of a sustainable backup population of this species in human care, the so-called ex situ.



Kateřina Holubová

Director of Program

František Příbrský

Chairman of the Indonesian PATRON Foundation

Jerry Pranata Gurusinga

Account for Donors

Even a small amount can help!

IBAN: CZ5220100000002401229497


If possible, please, attach a note: GIFT

Thank you!

Transparent account

We will be happy to issue you a receipt for your donation. If you are interested, please contact us at holubova@kukang.org.

PATRON Foundation

In Indonesia, the program is supported and implemented by the PATRON Foundation:

logo pasal foundation

Main Partners

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