„Kukang Coffee“ Project

The “Kukang Coffee” project was born to help farmers in our partner village of Kuta Male to make a sustainable living and at the same time to contribute to the protection of the local nature. We have created a community of coffee producers, in cooperation with whom we have developed a methodology for gentle cultivation and processing of high-quality coffee, which we buy from them at a price that is profitable for them. In exchange, these farmers agreed not to hunt protected animals. The coffee is dried, dehulled, sorted, and stored in a special “Kukang Coffee House”, which was built in 2021 with the financial contribution of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Jakarta (the so-called Small-Scale Local Project of Development Aid). From the profit from the sale of this ecologically grown coffee, we also finance our conservation activities in this area. The so-called "Kukang Coffee" beans thus support the local community and at the same time, help to protect slow lorises, pangolins, and other endangered wild animals in the forest around the village. The project is under the control of former poachers, who also educate farmers.


1) Coffee collection
2) Signature of a farmer who wants to be added to the Kukang Coffee project
3) Machine for peeling coffee beans
4) Drying of coffee beans

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