Elimination of poaching

We have employed a team of field workers in the Tanah Karo area, located in the south-eastern part of the unique Leuser protected ecosystem. The interesting thing is that these are former poachers of slow lorises and pangolins - thanks to our cooperation, they are now protecting these animals. Using these steps, the Kukang Rescue Program managed to eliminate the hunting of slow lorises, pangolins, and other endangered species in the area, thus protecting hundreds of animals. With former poachers now actively protecting the area, working with local farming communities, and monitoring wildlife populations, we are already seeing a noticeable increase in the number of animals seen during fieldwork.


1) Former poachers observing and collecting data on endangered nocturnal wildlife
2) Kukang team releasing animals
3) Sunda pangolin (Manis javanica) returns to the wild
4) Supporting local farmers - handing over coffee and avocado seedlings